Hi, I'm Eva

I'm a JavaScript developer with a background in design,
based in Hamburg, Germany

About Me

I have always been interested in IT and software development as well as design. Math was my best subject at school and programming was easy for me.

After studying at Fine Arts University of Hamburg, I started out as a designer. Fascinated by the emergence of the internet in the 1990s, I changed careers and switched to the IT sector, where I first worked for an IT company developing workflow solutions, later as freelancer in web design and web development. During recent years the main focus of my work has been graphic design with an emphasis on print.

By taking a course in full stack web development I brought my know-how in JavaScript programming up to date. Now I'm looking forward to contributing my knowledge as a web developer to an innovative team. I am open to full time and part time work in this field.

JavaScript ES6 HTML CSS Git React Node.js MongoDB Express Firebase Bootstrap JQuery

My Work

screenshot showing Pokedex App with navigation bar

Pokédex App

A small web application built with HTML, CSS and vanilla JavaScript that loads pokemon data from an external API and enables the viewing of data points in detail.

see project on github
screenshot showing the code of server-side web app


Server-side component of a web application built with Node.js, Express and MongoDB.
The app provides information about different movies, directors and genres. Users can sign up, update their personal information, and create a list of their favorite movies.

see project on github
screenshot showing movie app after login, displaying all movie cards

Movie App Client

This React App is a client which loads data from the Movie REST API.
Users are provided with information about different movies, directors and genres. Users can sign up, update their personal information, and create a list of their favorite movies.

see project on github
screenshot showing Meet App input fields and data visualization

Meet App

A serverless, progressive web application (PWA) with React using a test-driven development (TDD) technique. The application uses the Google Calendar API to fetch upcoming events; authentication is handled by serverless functions.

see project on github
Screenshot of Chat App

Chat App

Cross-plattform native app built with React Native and Expo. Users can chat in real-time, send images and share their location. Google firebase/firestore is used to facilitate Real Time Data.

see project on github
Screenshot of Angular Movie App

Angular Movie App

A second client side component to the Movie REST API, built with Angular. The app was developed with Angular CLI version 17 and Angular Material.

see project on github
Screenshot of portfolio website

Portfolio Website

The website you are looking at - a single page, responsive website built mostly with HTML and CSS with a little help from JavaScipt for the menu and for the modals.

see project on github


Any questions? I look forward to hearing from you!


© Copyright 2024

Designed and developed by Eva Guenzler

Title image by midjourney